Friday, November 21, 2014

A Letter Before Christmas

As you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor and I think that this year the celebration will be repeated.

During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think of me. As you know, the celebration of my birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't know the meaning of the celebration. I remember that last year there was a great feast in my honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates. The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts.

But, do you want to know something? I wasn't invited.

I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation. The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they closed the door in my face .. and I wanted to be with them and share their table. In truth, that didn't surprise me because in the last few years all close their doors to me. Since I wasn't invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a grand time.

To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, saying: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus"as if the party were in his honor! 

At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me and do you know no-one hugged me. Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for me. What would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one?

I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left. Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to eat and drink, and nobody remembers me. I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give my life for you, on the cross, to save you. 

Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart. I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'm still making the final arrangements..

Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Those who don't answer the invite, will be left outside. Be prepared because when all is ready you will be part of my great party. 

See you soon. I Love you!

Share this message with your loved ones, before Christmas

Taken from here

When will you get married?

“When will you get married?” So many people ask me that question like each time they see my face. It’s not a big deal for me at all, but it just make me think that; do they really think I’m ready enough to be a wife? A mother? Because I’m only 22 years old for your information Madam, Sir. I’m too young and not ready at all – this now on. I agree that maturity is not about age, it’s inside your mind. However, you can’t get rid of how age can define someone’s maturity. I don’t think marriage in a very young age—20 – 23 yo – is a good choice.  I live in a eastern society and people used to marriage in young age. It even become a disaster when a girl not married yet in age of 25 yo! How come? I just don’t get it. I don’t avoid married in young age. I just hope that people get married because they want to, they’re ready for it. Not due to the society. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

as one of the requirements in language ambassador of central borneo election 2011

Terbunuhnya Bahasa Dayak Ngaju di Tanah Sendiri
Oleh : Riza Sriwahyuni
Bahasa Dayak Ngaju adalah bahasa dengan penutur terbanyak di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah khususnya Kota Palangka Raya sebagai ibukota provinsi. Jalan-jalan sekeliling kota dipenuhi warga Dayak yang ramah dan berbahasa santun. Dari ujung ke ujung bahasa Dayak Ngaju terngiang dengan jelas diiringi senyum dan sapaan. Anak-anak kecil berlarian meneriakan seruan dalam bahasa ibunya. Sayangnya, kejadian seperti ini berlangsung bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Seiring perkembangan zaman dan pergantian era, bahasa Dayak Ngaju semakin rentan bersaing dengan bahasa-bahasa daerah lain yang dibawa oleh penuturnya ke bumi Isen Mulang. Dalam pergaulan sehari-hari bahasa Dayak Ngaju terpinggirkan oleh bahasa seperti Jawa, Batak, dan yang terbesar adalah Banjar dibawa oleh pendatang yang ingin membuka lahan pekerjaan di ibukota Palangka Raya. Bahasa Dayak Ngaju tertatih di rumah-rumah tua dan semakin jarang terdengar dituturkan terutama oleh generasi muda yang sebenarnya bertugas menjaga denyut nadi identitas dan karakter suku Dayak ini.
Pada kenyataan sehari-hari kalangan muda Dayak Ngaju perlahan-lahan meninggalkan bahasa ibunya dan beralih ke bahasa lain. Jika dibiarkan hal ini pelan-pelan akan membunuh bahasa Dayak Ngaju di tanahnya sendiri. Kemunduran penggunaan bahasa Dayak Ngaju dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal seperti kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) yang memaksa warga Dayak di wilayah Palangka Raya untuk memfokuskan diri pada bahasa yang lebih dapat diterima secara luas, pemikiran akan penuturnya sendiri sebagai seseorang yang ketinggalan zaman jika menggunakan bahasa daerah dan cenderung menggunakan bahasa Banjar dalam pergaulan sehari-hari serta kurangnya kesadaran kaum muda untuk melestarikan bahasa dan terlalu bergantung pada para orang tua untuk meneruskan budaya Dayak Ngaju.
Kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) tidak dapat dibendung lagi. Penemuan-penemuan di bidang ini terus membeludak. Perkembangan IPTEK memiliki dampak positif dan negatif di berbagai bidang lain. Dengan majunya IPTEK, informasi yang akurat dan terbaru akan mudah disampaikan dan waktu serta jarak yang dulunya menjadi penghambat, sekarang tidak lagi menjadi masalah. Namun, kemajuan ini juga memiliki dampak negatif khususnya bagi perkembangan sosial dan budaya. Kota Palangka Raya yang merupakan ibukota provinsi menjadi daerah dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang paling pesat. Warung-warung internet atau warnet menjamur di pinggir-pinggir jalan. Hampir setiap warga dari yang kecil sampai dewasa memiliki akses pribadi berupa telepon genggam. Masuknya jaringan internet juga memberi pengaruh signifikan pada penggunaan bahasa di kalangan muda. Tidak ada lagi seorang muda yang tidak mengenal kata Facebook atau Twitter. Betapa mudahnya informasi dan komunikasi secara nasional bahkan internasional, dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa asing menggerus bahasa daerah itu sendiri karena kemajuan ini mendorong penggunanya untuk berbahasa ‘gaul’ dan dimengerti oleh pengguna dari daerah lain yang mereka temui di dunia maya.
Faktor yang berpotensi ‘membunuh’ bahasa Dayak Ngaju lainnya adalah adanya suatu pemikiran akan rasa malu untuk berbahasa daerah. Seseorang yang bergaul menggunakan bahasa Dayak Ngaju dianggap ketinggalan zaman atau ‘kampungan’ dan penuturnya dicap sebagai “uluh lewu” atau “uluh ngaju”. Di Palangka Raya sendiri banyak ditemukan kejadian ketika seorang pemuda bertemu rekannya, mereka cenderung tidak percaya diri menggunakan bahasa Dayak Ngaju dan justru bergaul menggunakan bahasa daerah lain, bahasa Banjar sebagai contohnya yang berasal dari provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Bahasa Dayak Ngaju perlahan tergantikan oleh identitas bahasa daerah lain yang terus tumbuh subur seiring dengan jumlah pendatang yang cukup besar setiap tahun. Sering kita jumpai keadaan di mana seorang pemuda lebih memilih memasang status Facebook menggunakan bahasa ‘gaul’ atau bahasa asing yang belum tentu mereka pahami benar artinya dibanding bahasa Dayak Ngaju di mana sebenarnya ia dapat memanfaatkan sarana internet sebagai pengenalan bahasa daerahnya ke lingkup yang lebih luas.
Kurangnya kesadaran kaum muda akan tugasnya untuk menjaga bahasa daerah membuat bahasa daerah menjadi semakin terancam keberadaannya. Terlebih bagi kaum muda yang hidup di ibukota Palangka Raya, sangat mudah terpengaruh perubahan zaman dan banyak memperkaya diri dengan bahasa asing, misalnya bahasa Inggris, namun lalai untuk mempertahankan bahasa Dayak Ngaju sebagai bahasa ibu. Kaum muda cenderung bergantung pada para orang tua untuk melestarikan budaya. Bahkan di rumah-rumah sudah jarang terdengar kaum muda Dayak berdialog menggunakan bahasa Dayak Ngaju melainkan menggunakan bahasa Banjar yang tercampur dengan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Dayak.
Bahasa Dayak Ngaju harus terus dipertahankan khususnya di daerah asalnya terutama oleh kalangan muda sebagai pewaris kebudayaan sehingga karakter bangsa yang luhur tetap terjaga. Jika terus dibiarkan maka bahasa Dayak Ngaju akan ‘terbunuh’ dan tergantikan oleh bahasa daerah lain yang terus berkembang di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah khususnya kota Palangka Raya yang semakin maju dengan banyaknya pendatang dari daerah lain. Kemunduran penggunaan bahasa Dayak Ngaju oleh kemajuan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK), rasa malu serta tidak percaya diri  menggunakan bahasa daerah dan kecenderung menggunakan bahasa Banjar dalam pergaulan sehari-hari serta kurangnya kesadaran kaum muda untuk melestarikan bahasa Dayak Ngaju sesungguhnya dapat ditanggulangi dengan adanya suatu tindakan nyata untuk mencegah hal ini terjadi. Formula baru dibutuhkan untuk mencegah kepunahan bahasa Dayak Ngaju misalnya dengan membentuk komunitas-komunitas kecil kaum muda yang sadar dan percaya diri berbahasa Dayak Ngaju di lingkungan sendiri dengan baik dan benar. Bangga akan bahasa daerah sendiri dan jangan biarkan bahasa Dayak Ngaju mati terkubur, namun biarkan ia hidup lestari menjadi tuan rumah di tanah sendiri.

Daftar Pustaka

Fauzi, Iwan. 5 September 2002. Bahasa Ngaju Alami Krisis Pemberdayaan. Banjarmasin Pos. diakses pada 27 September 2011
Pemertahanan Bahasa Banjar di Komunitas Perkampungan Dayak. Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Antara Bangsa Dialek-Dialek Austronesia di Nusantara III (SADDAN III), Fakulti Linguistik, universiti /brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seribegawan, 24-26 Januari 2008

Friday, April 4, 2014

Final Comment on Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Here we go~~

I've spent four to five days reading all the books and this morning was the final day for me I finish it aaaannnddddd these whole story really pissed me off!

*Spoiler Alert!*

The Divergent is a great one though. With the introduction of the characters; Tris, Four/Tobias, Christina, Will, Al, Peter, Tori, Caleb, etc and the factions system that divided into 5 different factions is really amazing idea because you can see that the factions are truly close to humanity. The relationship between Tris and his brother, Caleb, is also something you can't easily forget where they're really close and protect each other before and after the Choosing Ceremony. The death of their parents may rip your heart when it come to the sacrifice thing. Note her relationship with Four, I think they're a great couple. Not only about love between boy and girl but also how they share the fear, the joy together. So, Divergent is good.

Then the second book -- Insurgent. Honestly, I was hoping something deeper here, such as the truth about the factions, about the society or even about secret of the characters. But all I got is so confusing. The writer waste too much time in fighting scene which is not that necessary because it won't be a wise thing to put too much salt or sugar on a food. The moment in Erudite headquarter where Tris sacrifices her self in order to prevent Jeanine kill many other people by the transmitter on their body and the fact that Tobias follows her alone and say "You die, I die..." is truly something, but then it's revealed that he's not that intent to save Tris alone, which potentially be a good point in their relationship because he comes with a plan. Maybe it's a smart thing to do, buuutt I just didn't get that point. Insurgent, not the best one.

Final book is Allegiant -- which mean someone that allies. Not that smart way of Veronica Roth. The point of view changes too many time from Tris to Tobias. I was happy reading from Tobias side but it makes me more and more confused and make many times mistaken who's speaking now because there's not much different taste between Tris and Tobias. Too much unnecessary combat scenes. Why doesn''t she put it for the last battle? The climax? Rather than wasting to many times on it? And for Tris and Tobias relationship? There 's not much something new but only some fighting or jealous moments, which is toooo late. I don't agree about how the writer kills too many character like Tori. And the way she died was nothing. Meaningless. 
The most disagree thing is why does Ms Roth kills Tris? I didn't get the urgency of her to died. She can die but in pleaaseee make it worth..... -_________________-. She doesn't have to die. You can make a good way ending other than killing her. Why bother yourself spending much time read it just to find the main character who fight all the time to survive just killed by a bullet? I. Hate. That.

Am I recommending this novel to you? Well, I still am. But if you're kind of happy-ending lover, then don't. You'll be disappointed. T______T

It's great for Ms.Roth to have a debut novel become a worldwide best selling. Still hoping that she didn't kill Tris. However.

I hope the movie won't that loyal to the book. 

Divergent Movie -- After Watch

I won't make any review about it, I think you guys already know maybe better than me and I have to admit that I'm soooo late to know it-- as always :(

I watched it today and officially become a fan of this story. I never know about the novel *sigh~~* but I've heard some rumors about the movie but it wasn't on my waiting list. I came to the theater to watch another movie but then me and my boyfriend debated about what should we watch and I won *as always toooo.. haha!* 
He didn't really excited because I told him the story is about romance, when lately I know it much more than that. I'm planning on reading the novel soon. I kindly person who loves novel more than the movie actually, considering in novel you are totally free to imagine every scene and every moment for your own self.

Monday, March 3, 2014

(Translated Lyric English and Bahasa Indonesia ) Can't Stop - CNBlue

It's out! It's out!
I translated it into Indonesian too. Please correct me if I'm wrong in some words :)
Indonesian Boice! yeah!

cr: cnblue


Harue han beonman geudaen tteoollyeojwoyo miss you
Harue han beonman naneun ijeobolgeyo
Geugeotdo andwaeyo geugeotdo andwaeyo
Geugeotdo andoemyeon geureom nan eotteokhanayo
Geudae han madie naneun useoyo
Geoulcheoreom maeil sarayo
Naui haruneun geudaeui geosijyo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now
Geudaereul darmeun bom hyanggiga ajik chaneyo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now
Naneun meomchul su eomneyo i can’t stop loving you
Heutnallineun barame geudae tteoolla
Nun busin haessare geudae tteoolla
Naneun meomchul su eomneyo i can’t stop loving you
Han georeum dwiramyeon heorakhal su innayo miss you
Han georeum dwieseo naneun gidarilgeyo
Geugeotdo andwaeyo geugeotdo andwaeyo
Geugeotdo andoemyeon geureom nan eotteokhanayo
Geudae han madie naneun useoyo
Geoulcheoreom maeil sarayo
Naui haruneun geudaeui geosijyo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now.
Geudaereul darmeun bom hyanggiga ajik chaneyo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now.
Naneun meomchul su eomneyo i can’t stop loving you
Michin deut michil deut haneobsi bureuda bomyeon
Han beoneun dorabolkkayo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now
Geudaeman baraboneun nae mam ajik siryeoyo
Can’t stop me now can’t stop me now
Naneun meomchul su eomneyo i can’t stop loving you
Heutnallineun barame geudae tteoolla
Nunbusin haessare geudae tteoolla
Naneun meomchul su eomneyo i can’t stop loving you


Just once in a day, I remember you, miss you
Just once in a day, I try to forget
This can’t be right, this can’t be right
If this isn’t right, then what am I supposed to do?
With your one word, I laugh
I live day by day, like a mirror
My day is yours
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me now
I still smell your scent of spring
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me now
I can’t stop, I can’t stop loving you
You come to me in the fluttering wind
You come to me in the blinding sunshine
I can’t stop, I can’t stop loving you
If you take a step back, will I let you, miss you
Take a step back, I will wait
This can’t be right, this can’t be right
If this isn’t right, then what am I supposed to do?
With your one word, I laugh
I live day by day, like a mirror
My day is yours
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me nowI still smell your scent of spring
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me now
I can’t stop, I can’t stop loving you
Distraught, gone crazy
If I endlessly call ou
tWill you take a last glance?
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me now
I still smell your scent of spring
Can’t stop me now 
Can’t stop me now
I can’t stop, I can’t stop loving you
You come to me in the fluttering wind
You come to me in the blinding sunshine
I can’t stop, I can’t stop loving you


Hanya sekali dalam sehari , aku mengingatmu, merindukanmuHanya sekali dalam sehari , aku coba melupakan
Ini tidak mungkin benar ,
Ini tidak mungkin benar
Jika hal ini tidak benar , maka apa yang harus 'ku lakukan ?
Dengan satu kata darimu , aku tertawa
Aku jalani hidup hari demi hari , seperti sebuah cermin
Hari-hariku adalah milikmu
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku masih mencium aroma musim semi darimu
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku tidak bisa berhenti , aku tidak bisa berhenti mencintaimu
Kau datang padaku dalam angin yang berkobar
Kau datang padaku dalam sinar matahari yang menyilaukan
Aku tidak bisa berhenti , aku tidak bisa berhenti mencintaimu
Jika kau mengambil langkah mundur , aku akan membiarkanmu , merindukanmu
Ambil langkah mundur , aku akan menunggu
Ini tidak benar , ini tidak mungkin benar
Jika hal ini tidak benar , maka apa yang harus 'ku lakukan ?
Dengan satu kata darimu , aku tertawa
Aku jalani hidup hari demi hari , seperti sebuah cermin
Hari-hariku adalah milikmu (
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku masih mencium aroma musim semi darimu
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku tidak bisa berhenti , aku tidak bisa berhenti mencintaimu

Bingung , gila
Jika aku tak henti-hentinya memanggil
Akankah kau melirik untuk yang terakhir kali?
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku masih mencium aroma musim semi darimu
Tidak bisa menghentikanku sekarang, kau tak bisa menghentikanku sekarang
Aku tidak bisa berhenti , aku tidak bisa berhenti mencintaimu
Kau datang padaku dalam angin yang berkobar

Kau datang padaku dalam sinar matahari yang menyilaukan
Aku tidak bisa berhenti , aku tidak bisa berhenti mencintaimu

Eng+Rom ::
Indo ::

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kim Soo Hyun vs Yoo Seung Ho for The Most Popular Actor

Before going too far, I just want to remind you guys that what I wrote here doesn't mean I want to compare both of them in negative way. I'm obviously a fan of Kim Soo Hyun and Yoo Seung Ho either but it just came to my mind after I read some article about how huge Kim So Hyun's popularity nowadays due to his great drama You Who Came from Another Star along with Jun Ji Hyun then some news about military enlistment this year which Yoo Seung Ho's already in. 
As you know, KSH is older few years than YSH but it makes no difference on their career so far. The drama they starred or the popularity of them among girl fans, just like me :D

KSH is quite cuuutteeee with bright smile. He's a good actor-- you can say it when you watch how he cried in The Moon that Embraces The Sun. It ripped my heart! My cousin said that when you look at him, you feel like you're looking at a king! Hahaha. And his voice in Dream High 1 is undeniable wonderful.

:: Profile ::
Name: 김수현 / Kim Soo Hyun
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1988-Feb-16 (age 25)
Height: 180cm
Weight: 65kg
Star sign: Aquarius
Talent agency: KEYEAST

 cr : google, allkpop

I know he's perfect. But, who can beat him? I think one and only Yoo Seung Ho!

cr: google, soompi

He's younger than the 'hyung' KSH, but his talent in acting is gorgeus. There's something about him make  me sure he still able to be bigger than he is now. Seung Ho's eyes are cute and the way he look at you is sooo beautiful!
But, what bothering me is why did he decide to join army in this very young age while other celebrities are waiting for some moments to do that? He's quite popular when he joined and there wasn't much info before he left. The only possible thing for me is maybe he thought the sooner the better if he finished the duty for his career.  When people leave, he come back. Well, who know?

:: Profile :: 
Name: 유승호 / Yoo Seung Ho
Nickname: Little So Ji Sub
Birthdate: 1993-Aug-17
Height: 175cm
Profession: Actor and model
Star sign: Leo
Blood type: A
Family: Older sister

I don't know whether he can sing or not... But that won't make fans leave him I guess :D

So, what do you think, guys? I love them both... But if only somebody asked me who can beat Kim Soo Hyun's popularity? I would say Yoo Seung Ho for sure :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Late A Fan of Reply 1997

I don't know about you guys but now I'm deeply falling in love with this TvN Drama Reply 1997 aka answer Me 1997!!

It's quite late because this drama was aired in 2012 yet I'm watching it in 2014... haha. Poor me!

I remember 2012 as a busy year due to my study in college so I didn't get much time to watch drama at that time. I've seen the kissing clip on Youtube several times but I didn't feel anything about it because ,honestly Seo In Guk wasn't my type. Some articles wrote about its huge popularity those days but still, I didn't have much free time. 
However better late than never, huh? I watched and finished it only in a day because this drama only consist of 16 episodes. Quiteshort regarding to nowadays drama which stands for at least 20 episodes.Aaannnddd, it does satisfied me with the plot, character and soundtrack of course!
You can say that today drama is so predictable even when they have great actor/actress starring on it. If you are truly KDrama lovers you can even guess some moments and the suitable dialogue easily. 

Reply 1997 is different than any other drama. It's unique for the flashback in a flashback. Sung Si Won and Yoon Yoon Jae were so sweet in their own ways. So many violence did by Si Won to Yoon Jae but that fool guy still love her so much.. hahaha. In the end, Si Won must tried to get Yoon Jae's faith again. 
I love this drama! Especially every kissing scene were worthy to watch.Seo In Guk is such a goooddd kisser!!! And Jung EunJi's acting was fabulous! 

credit to TvN

Some Funny Clips

cr : Elsa Flora @youtube

Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Even it's a super late wish but I just wanna say
